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Forums/ Deco
2023-06-28 02:25:07
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
My main unit & satellite quit working on my XE5300. They had a red light, so I restarted them. Now they are both blinking blue, but when I try to get on the app to set them up, I get the messsage "We...
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-27 02:41:18
Re:XE5300 Consistently dropping connection
@scott97062 thank you! I reset the units per another user's post & now the units aren't red, but blinking blue which means they are ready to set up. I tried to get them set up again & couldn't get...
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-26 23:28:33
Re:XE5300 Consistently dropping connection
I'm using 2 of my 3 Decos & the signal is lost sporadically. Saturday I had no signal for a couple of hours & today I've had no signal most of the day. I think this started when it updated last week....