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Forums/ Deco
2024-01-31 07:22:51
Re:advise how to link 2 lans wirelessly
@David-TP By setting the X50 as the main wouldn't the traffic then be going over my ISP? I can't physically swap my m5 & x50 but I have been looking into getting a netgate router and downgrading the...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-30 06:05:43
advise how to link 2 lans wirelessly
The Deco's settings are limited but I also own several smart switches to help. In the diagram I am LAN 1 and my sister is LAN 2. LAN 1 is mostly connected by gigabit ethernet, except for a few...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-30 04:39:07
Re:My laptop regularly loses internet connectivity through the Deco Mesh unit
@JMJFDUDE Make sure your device isn't putting your network connection in sleep mode (ethernet card / wifi card). I had some hardware that it would shut down but it wouldn't wake up later.