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Forums/ Deco
2024-03-13 11:28:54
Re:Port forward to webserver on lan
@David-TP no, just 2 old messages that were received when the Dechoes were first set up on the original network that was created. That creation of that network needed to be deleted because it had...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-12 12:01:06
Re:Port forward to webserver on lan
@David-TP yes Network was deleted and recreated that problem is solved. Another interesting thing is that i have multiple WIFI networks created. for example an IOT wifi, on that wifi i can access the...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-11 21:41:35
Port forward to webserver on lan
2 issues, port forward to webserver - and notifactions do not push when new devices show up. Again port forward does work, i can access this page over cell service but none on the same lan. is there...