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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Network switch not connecting after Deco restart
@HelpFixDecoApp I am using wireless backhaul for the satellite Decos not ethernet backhual. The switch is conncected to the main Deco. The switch is there to connect a few devices that need or I...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Network switch not connecting after Deco restart
@yves_b The WAN port error seems to have resolved, but I believe the error was the abnormal speed error, which I believe I read in another thread was an issue related to dropping down in speed from a...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Network switch not connecting after Deco restart
Every time that my Deco reboots either after a firmware update or a power outage, my network switch does not connect. All of my wifi enabled devices connect, but not the switch. The switch is a...