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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-12-01 06:34:35
Re:Re:TP Link AC3200 As Second Router With XFinity Set Up
So the current config, with LAN to LAN, requires me to disable DHCP on my Archer3200. You are saying I can just hook it up as I normally would if I do LAN to WAN (XFi to TPLink) and that should work....
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-11-30 00:35:01
TP Link AC3200 As Second Router With XFinity Set Up
Hi! I am looking to hook up my AC3200 router as a secondary router on a Xfinity Gateway. I dont want it to be just a bridge. I want it to have its own settings and SSID so I can lock down the devices...