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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-01-24 18:41:43
Re:C2300 and DynDNS problems galore!
@JosephJones Why did you modify my post in your quote. I most certainly did NOT purchase a report from that bogus organization, and the link you posted is likely a spyware site. Review sites list it...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-11-20 20:08:15
Re:Archer C2300 - Enabling IPV6 on router makes management console unresponsive
Hey Carl, It's been months. Any reply? I'm having issues with my router again - unable to login, so if I can ever gain access without doing a reset, I would like to re-enable IPV6. Thank you.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-02-26 17:49:09
Re:C2300 and DynDNS problems galore!
I had it replaced under Warranty. The replacement does not have this issue. Support was great!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-02-26 02:20:01
Re:Archer C2300 - Enabling IPV6 on router makes management console unresponsive
Thanks, Carl.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-02-21 02:11:58
Re:Re:Archer C2300 - Enabling IPV6 on router makes management console unresponsive
Oh, also, now the router speed test matches Ookla. 288 down just now. :-)
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-02-21 02:10:06
Re:Archer C2300 - Enabling IPV6 on router makes management console unresponsive
Wow, notices are working now, but still no email notifications. Here is a screenshot of IPV6 config. I did NOT save / enable this, because it will make the interface unbearably slow. This is the...