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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-07-25 17:43:28
Re:Re:Archer C7 AC1750 v2 - No longer connects to usb hdd via SMB after updating.
@Carl Unfortunately that didn't fix my issue. I did end up solving the problem by creating a new "nsmb.conf" file using the terminal command "echo "[default]" >> /etc/nsmb.conf". Now I'm no longer...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-07-25 02:15:23
Archer C7 AC1750 v2 - No longer connects to usb hdd via SMB after updating.
I just noticed that there was an update (180114) for my Archer C7 v2 router. After updating, I'm no longer able to connect to my usb hdd via SMB. In the patch notes I saw that SMBv2 is now supported,...