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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-06-12 17:18:41
Re:Slow 2.4ghz speeds, need help!
please help! i need this for my office!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-06-11 17:49:27
Re:Slow 2.4ghz speeds, need help!
@Tony I tried all these methods last night while i was talking to technical support. They couldnt find an answer for me and said someone would be reaching out.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-06-10 22:22:02
Slow 2.4ghz speeds, need help!
My 5ghz is getting about 250 mbps and my 2.4ghz is getting 1-2mbps and cuts out completely at times. Have pretty basic settings. 1 lan connection to work computer that's running a vpn. But do need...