tplink-smarthome-api after awhile, randomly turns on/off plugs
I am using a HS300 "smart plug" to control the environment for my plants. I use one plug for lights. I have this set on a schedule to go on at 5AM and off at 11PM. I use another plug to control the amount of CO2 and one other to turn on/off a humidifier.
I am controlling the CO2 and humidifier plug with the tplink-smarthome-apis.
After awhile, the smart plug randomly turns some of the plugs on and off. This happened yesterday when the plug for the LED light turned off sometime after 5AM.
I am trying to pinpoint why this is happening. I have checked my code. I am not even addressing two of the plugs that are randomly going on.
Checking to see if anyone else has seen this, or any known issues?
Thank you.