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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-02-03 19:12:38
Re:Looking for a way to copy presets and schedules
@Carl OK, and thank you for your time & efforts. Let me know if I can help.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-02-03 01:08:20
Re:Looking for a way to copy presets and schedules
651393@Carl I appreciate the response The case best I can tell is TKID211211533. I did get an automated response that the person I was contacting at the time is out this week but the email was also...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-02-02 19:38:04
Re:Looking for a way to copy presets and schedules
@Carl The Energy Usage numbers for the KL135 I have make sense. However, the Energy Usage numbers for the KL125's that I have are crazy, curently showing 1685 hrs for Today's usage, and 36887 hrs...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-02-02 03:20:45
Re:Looking for a way to copy presets and schedules
@Carl Thank you for the reply, much appreciated. I had looked at using scenes but these are separately scheduled bulbs that will use the same 4 presets. I only have 3 bulbs but before buying more I'm...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-02-01 19:42:17
Looking for what to tell Alexa or Google assistant to set these bulbs to CIRCADIAN mode
I have Kasa KL125 & KL135 bulbs. What do I tell Alexa or Google assistant to set these bulbs to CIRCADIAN mode? Thanks.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-02-01 19:40:22
Looking for a way to copy presets and schedules
I have Kasa KL125 & KL135 bulbs. Is there any way to copy presets and schedules from one device to another? Thanks.