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Forums/ Deco
2023-09-28 21:44:15
Re:MyQ doesn’t connect to Deco WiFi mesh
Also, try right before you’re about to connect to it rebooting your house Internet, so that there is no Wi-Fi reception that’s close then once your phone connects to the myQ device it might help
Forums/ Deco
2023-09-28 21:43:15
Re:MyQ doesn’t connect to Deco WiFi mesh
@cwpizarro are you trying it on an Apple phone or android phone? I know that sometimes my iOS Apple phone will connect to a network and realize there's no Internet connection and then it'll switch...
Forums/ Deco
2023-09-28 16:44:43
Re:MyQ doesn’t connect to Deco WiFi mesh
@cwpizarro we have 2 chamblerins as well and they connect. Have you tried factory resetting the openers, then make a ioT network that is only 2.4Ghz. I have