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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2020-02-08 18:21:07
Battery powered scene switch
It would be great to have a smart scene selector that is battery powered.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2020-02-08 18:18:45
Can I use the double press or long press to activate a smart scene
Can we add a feature that uses the double press on the dimmer switch to activate a scene? This would solve some of my issues. I would like to be able to double tap a switch as I leave the house and...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2020-02-08 18:15:32
Re:Dimmable Plug
@rederikus Need this also
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2020-02-08 18:12:42
Re:Turn off led indicator on smart switch
Please make this a thing. The led is the worst.