Enabling "Application Optimized Routing" breaks WAN Link Backup function
Enabling "Application Optimized Routing" breaks WAN Link Backup function
#WAN Setup
#Load Balancing
Hello TP-Link
I migrated from ER605 v.1 to ER605 v.2 and tried to configure Link Backup between WAN and USB Modem (both these connections work fine individually).
I configured it as following:
WAN Ports: USB Modem and WAN
Online Detection Interval
: 1 minute
Load Balancing Weight
: 1 : 20 ( my modem gets 50Mbit/s max and WAN is 1Gbps )
Link Backup: Enable
Primary WAN: WAN
Backup WAN: USB Modem
Backup Mode: Always Link Primary
Mode: Enable backup link when all primary WAN fails
What I found is that it only works when I unchecked (disabled) Application Optimized Routing:
As soon as Application Optimized Routing box is checked then the whole WAN redundancy gets broken - no failover to USB Modem and no return to Primary WAN when it comes back online !
When I uncheck Application Optimized Routing then WAN failover and fallback works OK (within the 1 minute detection interval).
This is maybe possible that for my scenario I just uncheck Application Optimized Routing because I have always only one WAN connection active, but this will be problematic for anyone using three WAN links with Link Backup, since then Application Optimized Routing would be helpful between the two WAN links that are both active. But also even in my scenario enabling Application Optimized Routing should not break Link Backup feature.
It seems to me that Application Optimized Routing mappings ignore WAN failover - but it should remap all flows when WAN failover happens. So the algorithm should be: first determine which links are online and then map traffic flows using Application Optimized Routing - but every time WAN link goes up or down the whole remapping should be re-done again by the Application Optimized Routing feature. Something is not working with how it is done in current firmware.
Please fix this as many users still report that TP-Link WAN redundancy is broken and does not work - and this is most likely because these people enable Application Optimized Routing and then Link Failover stops working completely.
Best regards.