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Forums/ Routers
By GopS 2022-03-10 00:55:23

ER7206: DDNS updates to No-IP don't appear to be happening at requested update interval

Hi, I am using the standalone configuration interface. I have a dual WAN configuration and for each WAN port, I have set up the router/gateway to perform DDNS registration with No-IP. When I initially
Forums/ Controllers
By MR.S 2022-03-11 07:22:04


I will replace my EAP225-Outdoor (EU) with EAP610-Outdoor (EU) but I will not do this until DFS and PPSK are in place, Do you know anything about this @Fae ? I will not wait a year for this as I had t
Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2022-03-10 08:57:16

Omada Controller v5 - External Portal Stopped Working After Updating From v4 to v5

This Article Applies to: Omada Controller v5 Issue Description/Phenomenon: Recently we received feedback that the external hotspot setup stopped working after updating Controller from v4 to v5, and th
Forums/ Controllers
By _Ian_ 2022-02-25 22:22:45

Hotspot operator login doesn't work on 5.0.30

Hi I have an external hotspot setup and working fine on version 4. Since updating to version 5 I can not login as an operator to authorize portal clients. This is the latest documentation I can find:
Forums/ Routers
By cosar 2022-03-08 15:37:52

ER-605 Port Forwarding Over VPN

Hi, I have ER-605 Omada Router. https://www.tp-link.com/products/details/er605.html I have setup a VPN. I want to use port forwarding through the VPN. Lets say, the router obtained an IP address 192.1
Forums/ Controllers
By Raboon 2022-02-24 11:39:37

Omada Controller is Offline - java.net.SocketException: Connection or outbound has closed

Hi, I'm seeing the controller dropping offline and reappearing after two minutes perhaps two times a week. Thankfully the devices don't drop but that notification that the controller is gone is alarmi