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Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2022-02-27 09:47:07

Omada Software Controller_V5.1.7_Windows (Released on February 25, 2022)

This Article Applies to: Omada_Software Controller_v5.1.7_Windows Release Notes: New Feature/Enhancement 1) Added support for Private Pre-Shared Key (PPSK), which requires upgrading the EAP to the ada
Forums/ Controllers
By EuphoricHacker 2022-02-23 23:07:47

Omada Controller "Remote Logging" seems broken

Hello, Omada Controller's "remote logging" seems broken. It seems TP-Link doesn't follow the "obsoleted" bsd syslog protocol, not even the latest one published back in 2009. RFC3164 - BSD Syslog Proto
Forums/ Surveillance
By AdminSBO 2022-02-23 16:23:59

Problem with rtsp-stream

Hi, we have planned to use some VIGI C300HP cameras with our existing surveillance system. But i have some problems with the rtsp stream, the 64bit-decoder crashes instantly. In 32bit-mode it works bu
Forums/ Routers
By Shawsky 2022-02-18 19:58:08

ER7206 Firmware v1.2 breaks Stealth Mode

Hi, I posted on the original "solved" post but there's been no response. The updated firmware v1.2.0 breaks the stealth mode fix that was implemented in the previous beta firmware. Can these fixes be
Forums/ Controllers
By indigo 2022-02-17 13:57:15

Hotspot Portal using Voucher Codes is broken: Get one Code für Lifetime free Wifi :-)

Hi, during our upgrade journey (see other thread) we discovered another very interesting behaviour of the Hotspot-Portal with voucher-codes enabled. Normally an time-limited voucher code works like th
Forums/ Controllers
By pokhui 2022-02-12 16:51:28

802.1x details not displayed

Hi, I'm using WPA Enterprise with Dynamic VLAN enabled. However, when client connects to the wifi, 802.1x and the associated VLAN column are not displayed in the client section nor the overview sectio