Onemesh joinning AX72PRO and AX55
Hi all,
I have two TPLINK router, AX72 PRO(master) and AX55(slave). I want to join the two routers by onemesh as they are both supported.
Both of them are hardware V.1, both updated with latest firmware.
I completed the setting on AX72PRO and Onemesh is on. I reseted the AX55 and from the "EasyMesh" page I selected "satellite". BUT after the reset it only reset my router, and it won't go to "satellite" mode and remain in "normal" mode, from the warning message said I will not be able to access AX55 config page once I click on "satellite" mode, but still I can. I can't use my AX72 PRO to search that AX55.
Any help? Thank you.