
AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature


AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature

AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
2023-08-17 11:48:17 - last edited 2023-10-18 02:55:10
Model: Archer AX73  
Hardware Version: V2
Firmware Version:



is it possible to support EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature on AX73.


Best Regards

1 Accepted Solution
Re:AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature-Solution
2023-10-18 02:54:40 - last edited 2023-10-18 02:55:10

@Deception1359   @meo1   @blpol 


Good news! 


I'm happy to inform you that Archer AX73 V1 also supports EasyMesh now. Please check and update your router firmware to the latest 1.3.5 Build 20230919 version as below:




Please be aware that you'll not allowed to downgrade to the previous 1.2.6 official version once upgraded to this one since this version has significant modifications.

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6 Reply
Re:AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
2023-08-18 03:10:11

Hello @blpol 


Thank you very much for posting here as a feature request once again.


I have just replied to another thread here and tagged you to notify you that Archer AX73 will support EasyMesh as planned, but the estimated time is just unsure at the moment.


I will make sure to notify you again when there is new firmware that supports EasyMesh. It's also suggested to keep an eye on the router web GUI for any future updates.

If you found a post or response helpful, please click Helpful (arrow pointing upward icon). If you are the author of a topic, remember to mark a helpful reply as the "Recommended Solution" (star icon) so that others can benefit from it.
RE:AX73 - <span class='search-highlight'>EasyMesh</span>, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
2023-09-08 12:04:01
Please add EasyMesh support for AX73 v1
Re:AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
2023-09-20 03:19:15


Please add EasyMesh for v1, many people need Easymesh for v1.

RE:AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
2023-09-23 12:18:57
Even the ax10 was updated, the only thing missing is the ax73 not being
Re:AX73 - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature-Solution
2023-10-18 02:54:40 - last edited 2023-10-18 02:55:10

@Deception1359   @meo1   @blpol 


Good news! 


I'm happy to inform you that Archer AX73 V1 also supports EasyMesh now. Please check and update your router firmware to the latest 1.3.5 Build 20230919 version as below:




Please be aware that you'll not allowed to downgrade to the previous 1.2.6 official version once upgraded to this one since this version has significant modifications.

If you found a post or response helpful, please click Helpful (arrow pointing upward icon). If you are the author of a topic, remember to mark a helpful reply as the "Recommended Solution" (star icon) so that others can benefit from it.
Recommended Solution
RE:<span class='search-highlight'>AX73</span> - EasyMesh, IoT Network Option and Wireguad VPN feature
2024-01-08 01:26:57
i sign up to suggest IoT network for the AX73


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