Deco BE65 drop out and disconnects

Deco BE65 drop out and disconnects

Deco BE65 drop out and disconnects
Deco BE65 drop out and disconnects
Model: Deco BE65  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 1.0.7 Build 20240322 Rel. 57053

Hi there. 

I am having a pretty poor time with my mesh.


It is set up correctly I believe, Ethernet back haul to the 2 satellites.

However I get one sat going offline, and wifi is bad, cant use it for teams etc as it will drop off.

The logs make zero sense to me nad I have been all over this forum looking for similar probs and solutions.

Can you help please? cant attach log as it says it is illegal or similar to that

1 Reply
Re:Deco BE65 drop out and disconnects
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday


Hi, thank you very much for the feedback.

Do you use any network switch to establish the Ethernet Backhaul betweeen Decos?

If yes, can I have the model number of the switch?


Did the satellite Deco BE65 turn flashing red during the disconnection?

How often would it drop out?

As for the system log, you might need to log into the individual web UI of this satellite BE65 via its IP address.

And you could send the logs to


Since satellite units work the same, have you tried to swap the location of the two satellite Deco BE65 to see whether the disconnection follows the same unit or stay on the same location?

Wait for your reply and best regards.
