Factory NTP settings cause performance problems
The default NTP settings of "time-dot-nist-dot-gov" &"time-nw-dot-nist-dot-gov" cause performance problem (I use "-dot-" instead of "." in URL, otherwise cannot post content).
Due to inaccessible services (both "time-dot-nist-dot-gov" &"time-nw-dot-nist-dot-gov" are unrechable for some reason!!!) my router has date of 9 months ago and cannot perform well. So internet connection breaks up constantly.
I spent tons of time & effort before figureed it out.
Please update the firmware to
1. use "pool.ntp.org" especially for Europe
2. use both US & EU options for reliability by default. Not "just" US or "just" EU, but BOTH.
3. Test NTP when starting up and write an ERROR into System Log, so that it is clear that problem is not NAT or Access Control that restarts every 30 seconds.
4. May be relevant for other models as well.