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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-01-06 10:30:48
Re:Port Forwarding to Two Devices
@PasKy I need both devices to access the same port and have it open, as both devices are playing online games, the same game, at the same time. Both need an open NAT. This was easily achieved with my...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2022-01-05 22:38:37
Port Forwarding to Two Devices
Hi, I am trying to forward port 3074 TCP & UDP to a PC and Xbox on my home network. PC has internal IP 192.168.X.A Xbox has internal IP 192.168.X.B Now, I have forwarded the TCP and UDP ports to the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-08-24 19:53:24
Homeshield Pro Statistics
Hi, does anyone who uses the Homeshield Pro, know where the online traffic data comes from. Apparently I used 235gb of traffic between 6-7pm. That isn't possible since my internet speed is 60mbps lol