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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-08-11 09:48:12
Re:Omada Contoller Client based Time Range Profiles
@mstamp Can you please a screenshot of your config? Thanks
Forums/ Routers
2024-01-26 11:38:53
Failed to upgrade Router to firmware
Hi, I'm trying to upgrade an ER605 V2.0 from the omada controller from 2.1.2 Build 20230210 Rel.62992 to 2.2.3 Build 20231201 Rel.32918 but I'm getting this error "Failed to upgrade Router to...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-23 10:30:48
Re:Full Tunnel site to site VPN for one local LAN only
@MR.S The problem is not selecting the local network, it's the Full tunnel part. Tplink doesn't allow on site to site VPNs.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-23 08:39:45
Full Tunnel site to site VPN for one local LAN only
Hi, I have ER605v2 connected to Omada controller and my network has multiple LAN subnets. I want to create a site 2 site VPN where only one of the LAN subnets will route all traffic...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-12-17 19:44:38
unknown routing entry
Hi, I found an unknown routing entry in my routing table, no idea where it's coming from. I don't have any static routes configured. The public IP seems to belong to some school in the US. Anyone...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-25 17:47:09
Re:Omada remote site EAP firmware upgrade
I found the issue, port 443 is also needed for the firmware upgrade.