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Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensors
3 weeks ago
Re:Smart Temperature Sensor, only exports one month of data
@aDrain It's probably the sensor loses connection to the cloud, the data cannot be uploaded. Try to reboot the tapo hub, then wait for some time, maybe a couple of hours, then try to export the data...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Light Bulbs
3 weeks ago
Re:Tapo L 900 red light when turned off
@vanex Is there any abnormality in the color of the light strip when it is set to a solid color, such as red, blue, or green? (Can be switched through my presets) Does this issue occur when using the...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
3 weeks ago
Re:Data reports stopped working since upgrading the Kasa app to version 3.3.651 Build 1616
@space-holiday When the device fails to connect to the cloud or cannot maintain a stable connection, data upload may be abnormal. Have you tried restarting the KE100 or router to re-establish the...
Forums/ Feature Requests
3 weeks ago
Re:Tapo Aplication
@Zmajur Sorting automation rules will be possible soon, in the Smart Action 2.0 update. No info about this Favorites (automation/shortcut?) idea, but it sounds nice. Modifying the title of your post...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plugs
3 weeks ago
Re:Multiple Tapo P100 offline
@gnuwinni The smart plug fails to connect to the cloud when it shows an orange led. Try to restart the whole network. And change router DNS to and How do you tell the plug is not...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switches
3 weeks ago
Re:Tapo Switches
@Zmajur To be honest, we don't recommend using smart switches and smart bulbs together. Apart from the reason you mentioned, which is that it will cut off power to the bulbs, there may also be...