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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By NastyRhythm83 Yesterday

D230s camera blurry

Had our D230s replaced under warranty (due to night vision not activating properly) And all was well until today I've noticed the camera is really blurry Is this condensation in the lens? If so is thi
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Chuck-Seagull Yesterday

SD Card not recording

Hi, bought 2 cameras, one did record for a day the other didn't, now both don't. Pic attached showing "good" card. Please someone sort this out
Forums/ Feature Requests
By FrazUrbLuu Yesterday

Shared account should be able to view cloud recordings.

Hoping to BUMP the thread for feature requests. I agree with others that sharing devices should allow the other account user to view the cloud playback.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Mufasa_3112 Yesterday

Tapo c200 v3.20 auto reboot

Hi Folks ! So, for christmas, i received a tapo C200 v. 3.20 security camera to have a look on my cats. As i like to keep ma data at home, i updated the firmware to 1.3.15, created the account, added
Forums/ Feature Requests
By cskinner79 Yesterday

Reconfigure Wi-Fi Without Removing/Re-Adding Device

This has been asked for in multiple threads and they've all been locked with no apparent action from TP-Link. I've got literally thousands of dollars in TP-Link equipment in my home and I'm almost alw

User (Camera shared to him) should cannot change mic, mic should be dimmed like Alarm, Privacy

Need a firmware and/or software update for Tapo app android or ios (and also for all types of Tapo cameras not C500 only) to do the following: Make the icon Cameras' microphone is dimmed like other se