3 switches, 3 issues (HS200, and HS210)
I set up my first switch (single) in my bedroom with no issues. It immediately saw my wifi and connected after install. However; the "remote toggle" is not available on this devide; despite it being marketed on the box.
The second switch (single) in my kitchen would not connect to the internet. I figured it may be a faulty one; and continued to set up the next switch.
The third switch (3 way) in my entry way was sucessfully set up; but under its own wifi network (it looks like during the set up, it does not switch back to my home network like the previous set up. When on this network, I can control the 3rd switch, but not the 1st swtich. When I switch my device back to my home network, I can control the 1st switch, but not the 3rd.
I decided to reset my router (because 3 for 3 issues) and start over. Now none of the devices will connect (I have followed the reset process on the switches and removed them from the app).