Motion detection whilst continuous recording

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Motion detection whilst continuous recording

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Motion detection whilst continuous recording
Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-20 10:56:02 - last edited 2021-11-12 01:56:24
Model: Tapo C200  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

I've recently purchased a tapo c200 camera - ive got it set up to continously record and also get the notifactions from motion detection.  


However when I look at the recordings there is no indication of when motion was detected.  (I need to have both as i need to be able to look at what happened before the motion was detected)


The motion notifations are coming through so it is picking it up- but just not showing it anywhere in the app (tried the tapo and tapo camera apps).  


Is there a setting im missing?



1 Accepted Solution
Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording-Solution
2021-10-04 22:02:06 - last edited 2021-11-12 01:56:24



Hi guys,


I have recently installed some Tapo cameras for indoor and outdoor use.


The recording on the Tapo app is working good for me. I am getting continuous recording and any movement is highlighted in orange in the time bar.


In the recording schedule, I have it as continuous recording, but then have motion detection turned on.


I've attached screen shots below if you guys want to try it yourselves.



I do have a couple issues/suggestions that TP-Link should definitely consider.


- The above only works with Away Mode. I can have the same settings in Home mode, but when I switch between the two modes, the configurations reset and Home mode reverts back to continuous recording without highlights. The activity zones also reset if I switch between modes which sucks. 


- In the Playback section, my outdoor cameras (C310 cameras) have a thumbnail when motion is detected and you can select the thumbnail to view the motion footage. The indoor cameras (C200 cameras) only have the orange bars on the time line so can take some time to toggle to the very start of the motion recording. 


- TP-Link should enable multiple settings in the app as would be handy to have a few ready to go according to circumstances.




*Indoor timeline




*Outdoor timeline



* Recording Schedule



*Motion dection turned on



Recommended Solution
15 Reply
Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-21 06:40:26



Hello, you can open Tapo camera app and go to Detection page and click current settings and enable "Camera Alerts". Then the app will send alerts when the camera detects motion. 


And you can use 24 hour-recording to look at what happened before the motion was detected. 


May it help. 

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Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-21 08:55:33



Where in the app can i see the time of the motion detection?


I get the notification but as soon as i've clicked on it, it disappears and i cant check the time - is there anywhere in the app i can see the time that the motion was detected?

Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-26 06:44:52 - last edited 2020-02-26 06:49:33



I have the same issue as well, this is a serious usability issue, if motion detection recording is selected, it only record when motion is detected and a short while after, then what if I need to look at a few moments before that? and if continuous recording is selected, it records continuously but in the playback, no highlight of periods of activities, then how am I going to tell from the 24 hours recording if there is anything happened in that period of time, do you expect the user to watch the playback from start to finish? This is utterly unacceptable! The old tpCamera app highlight period of detected motion/activities in their playback control and also list them one by one, so that you can tap on one of them and watch the playback and also free to move the playback back and forth beyonds the period of the detection, sometime the detection is not accurate and you want to see what was happening a few minutes before that, please take a look at tpCamera app! This issue is a deal breaker for my particular usage pattern and make the camera pretty useless despite the fact that the image quality is clearer than the old tp-link nc450 camera.

Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-26 07:06:01



I've been in contact with customer services over this and been told it just isn't possible. When I pointed out the faq area shows exactly what I need it to do I was told that wasn't real, it was just testing in the lab which is so misleading! 

Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-26 08:46:54



Hi, thanks for letting us know, can only hope they will fix it in the future, they can easily add a list that at least show the start time of detected motion and have the list shown on the app itself rather than send those as notification.




Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-28 06:45:53




Sorry to respond late. 


You can click playback to get the start time of the motion detection. And the Motion Detection video will be highlighted. 


And what do you mean it is not real? You mean this feature is not available by your side? 


Try to insert an SD card with up to 128GB capacity, which should be formatted to the FAT32 file system to give it a go. 


Good day. 

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Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-28 06:55:29



Show us your screen capture of Tapo playback screen that do the following:


1. Show highlight of motion detection

2. Allow user to move the playback before and after the highlighted period, for example if motion detected from 0600 - 0610, I want to see what happen at 0550, or after like 0620

Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-02-28 07:29:51



On my Tapo app, it look like the following:




It does NOT show motion detection in the playback (TP-LINK previous product does show motion detection in the playback)


or put it another way, we need to select both "Continuous Recording" and "Motion Detection" in the "Edit Schedule" screen:


It make no sense to have the user made such selection, these two options should not be mutually exclusive, I simply want continuous recording and also please show me the auto detected periods in the playback, and below is the screen capture of previous TP-LINK camera app, tpCamera:




Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2020-03-04 02:09:07



I found the motion alert notification list on the app, on home screen of Tapo app, there is a mail icon on the upper right corner, and tapping that icon bring up a screen with a list of motion alerts, and tapping the notification bring up the video playback starting from the time the motion was detected, and you can then move the playback forth or back to any moment that you wish to investigate, provided recording is available I guess.


It doesn't highlight the motion alerts in the timeline bar like in the previous tpCamera app, and the motion alerts is not shown on the video playback screen either, where one would naturally expects it to be. Another issue is the scale of the timeline is too coarse, and it is very hard to move the playback in fine step like in 1 or 2 minutes, and sometime the playback doesn't respond to the changes in the timeline bar, again, the previous tp-link camera app does a much better job, it highlight the motion alerts in the timeline bar, it show the alerts on the same playback screen (who would want to go back and forth to another screen to check the list and then come back to the playback screen!), it also has a finer timeline scale that allow me to move the playback in finer step.


It seems that this Tapo app is not very well designed, at least when compared to previous camera app from tp-link, although the hardware itself is decent.


Re:Motion detection whilst continuous recording
2021-04-04 03:44:58


any app design improvements for this feature yet?



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Views: 9236

Replies: 15

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