Why do manufactures constantly try to restrict the use of their product? Or try to force customer into the tiny use cases their app supports? TP-Link is not the only vendor that is guilty of this action, but I would hope with the popularity of their devices in the Home Automation Hobbyist community, they would make and exception. I, personally, have no need for the KASA app and all my devices (except for the HS220 devices with brought me here) have been functioning perfect fine without it. All I need is the ability to manually down the firmware .bin files so these devices can be updated without them accessing the internet.
After a week of back and forth debate with TP-Link support team on the merits of the KASA App and no help with my current issue, I was able to apply the firmware from the link above which seem to have resolve the problem. So fare, the HS220v2 devices have not lost Wifi connection. I will be doing a write up on the Home Assistant Guide Forum (I can't post external links) of the steps the update these smart switches WITHOUT the KASA app.