RV30 plus navigation issue
I bought this vacuum 3 weeks ago as a gift.
It was working completely fine in the first 2 weeks, then it suddenly began to act strange. It seems unable to navigate, it only spins on itself and moves in circles and it seems to be unable to locate the charging dock and consequently return to it.
I tried to hard reset the vacuum, then I tried to clean all the sensors, then to put the vacuum 1 m in front of the dock as troubleshooting suggests and then I also tried to change the position of the dock and hard reset again, but nothing seems to solve the problem.
Now it still doesn't work and I had to try and remap the house (as I lost the map when hard resetting) and the following is the comparison between the previous and the current map. The remapping process was not completed as it stopped itself and started to return to the charging dock but didn't manage to. How can I solve this issue?