Front bumper stucked ERROR
I just bought Tapo RV30 MAX Plus vacuum robot. Connection went smooth, it updated and made map of my apartment.
Problem is that it gets "Front bumper stucked" error constantly. It doesnt finish not even one room without error. It gets error in some simple corners. Instead of trying to move away from obstacle it starts spining 360° and then reports error and stops.
I removed all removable objects and items, chairs etc.
I tried to look for some dirt or something under or behind bumper, as in troubleshoting instructions, but is nothing there to remove or clean (its new!). I also tried tapping bumper.
So what could be problem? Is bumper sensor broken or it doesnt retreat properly? Or is it just bad sofrware design? Do others have same problems? I would like to solve this issue before I decide to return it.
Thank you. Best regards.