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Forums/ WiFi
Re:Can I use a EAP225 or should i look for another solution?
@Getumzz When a wireless 225-outdoor meshes with a wired 225-outdoor, the ethernet port of the meshed AP appears as if bridged to the same switchport as the wired AP is connected to. So yes, you can...
Forums/ WiFi
Re:EAP615-Wall: mixed wired and wireless backhaul
@p4f Are you saying, with a wired root and two child wirelessly meshed APs, that if you remove power from either child, then they ALL show as disconnected?
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:Need advice/recommendation
@Exejee Fae is correct, the controller is what you need to track usage over time, the data is stored in a database and you can adjust the reporting timeframes to show monthly usage, max speed etc....
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:EAP225-Outdoor overheating in sun and dropping connections
@Vince_K You have a couple of options here. Sun Shade. Some 4" white PVC pipe extending 4-6" above the body of the EAP225 and an inch or so below. Cut slots on either side to allow the antennae to...
Forums/ WiFi
2 weeks ago
Re:EAP615 Wall slows down after reboot
@junkimchi @Clive_A Clive, this sounds like a bug, wired ports on a wall AP shouldn't behave differently just because the client SSIDs were disabled.
Forums/ WiFi
3 weeks ago
Re:EAP615 Wall slows down after reboot
@junkimchi There are a number of ways to enable an AP to broadcast an SSID on a given band. Which toggles are you referring to. In general, you don't want to disable the radio(s), but instead enable...