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Stories/ Kasa Cameras
2024-08-22 09:31:44
Re:Embracing a Dedicated IoT Network with TP-Link Routers
What is the advantage of having an IOT Network that allows simple passwords and older encryption if it can communicate with my main network that has a complex password and recent encryption protocol?
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2023-11-10 06:01:45
Re:DNS over TLS
@David-TP that's great news! Is there a rough ETA for when this may happen? and will models such as my x68 be supported?
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2023-11-08 22:52:00
DNS over TLS
Hi, I would love to see the support for DNS over TLS on the DECO Mesh routers. As would many others.
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-15 02:33:29
DECO X68 x2 - Incorrect Region, How to change channel?
Hi - I am struggling with reliable connectivity. I have been scanning the wifi access points in my vicinity and run wifi diagnostics and my Macbook is suggesting I change channels to avoid...
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-15 02:20:07
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco X60
@thomas- Running latest TestFlight App Version 3.0.46 (496)
Forums/ Deco
2022-11-15 02:19:00
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco X60
@David-TP Are you still able to configure with the updated app? It seems my DECO's are for the US region, however, I live in AU. I am stuck on channel 40 and 2 5G/2.4G respectively...