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Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-09 02:43:28
Re:Usage of Radius Proxy in Controller Mode
@Fae Also tested using Freeradius for verification You can see that the verification client IPs are all EAP IPs and not from the controller.
Forums/ Controllers
2024-09-30 05:15:29
Re:Usage of Radius Proxy in Controller Mode
@Fae I recorded packets using Wireshark from the Radius Server (NPS), and I can only see that the source for authentication is EAP (IP, not the Omada controller (IP It...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-09-26 06:09:19
Usage of Radius Proxy in Controller Mode"
I have multiple EAP773s under my controller (the firmware has been updated to 1.0.14 Build 20240801), and I have set the Radius Proxy on the controller, and correctly set the IP of the controller in...
Forums/ Switches
2024-09-13 14:45:30
Configure the DHCP Snooping function for the switch by Omada controller
We want to configure the DHCP Snooping function for the switch on the Omada controller. We know that it can be done through the CLI template. We have also tested the function in standalone mode. Can...
Forums/ General Discussion
2024-08-30 04:05:04
Festa platform details
I would like to ask about some limitations of the Festa platform, such as 1.How many cloud controllers can be created with one TP-Link ID? 2.Several Sites can be created in one controller 3.How many...
Forums/ Routers
2024-07-31 09:06:14
Re:How to Set Up Deep Packet Inspection(DPI) on Omada Router
Currently I use a software controller with an ER605 V2 ER707-M2 and confirmed that the firmware is the latest, but the DPI blocking function is not in effect.