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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-11-05 16:57:25
Re:Tapo D230 battery
@Solla-topee I’ve been monitoring the device for several days now as it suddenly seemed to hold battery. It has only dropped 2% in the last 3 days which is a bit more like what I was expecting. I...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-10-30 13:17:32
Re:Tapo D230 battery
@Solla-topee thank you for the information and links. I understand all this and have already adjusted nearly all setting to the minimum sensitivity and recording length etc. this just feels like...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-10-28 20:40:48
Tapo D230 battery
I installed a brand new Tapo D230 at 14:47 yesterday with a 100% charged batter, only to find it drained fully in less than 24 hours. I have only person detection enabled with sensitivity level of 2....