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Forums/ Range Extenders
By Ejazmp 2025-01-12 16:59:40

Rx showing low. Why?

Why rx value showing 0 Mbps?
Forums/ Adapters
By ellebi 2025-01-12 14:56:07

Archer t3u plus(EU) ver. 1.0 not detected as usb 3.0 in Windows 11 home

Hello the wifi usb Archer T3U plus(EU) ver 1.0 does not work as a usb 3.0 device. Windows 11 Home gives the message that: "this device can work faster if connect to usb 3.0". I've just tried to use an
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Keith_T_C 2025-01-12 14:58:20

Banking App Not Opening

Hi Banking apps not opening when connected to home WiFi. Apps work fine when connected to network other than home. Bank has advised it relates to router settings but cannot advise what settings Had th
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By BlueDoctor 2025-01-11 11:50:09

No internet on Eres art router and Archer AX73

Gone through all the steps on the instruction manual. Restarted several times. Reconfigured several times. Can't get internet on the Archer. Beginning to think TP link is not compatible with EE router
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By damkov 2025-01-09 08:31:57

Archer AX55 V1 Wireguard server DNS not working

@Sunshine Hello, I tried to set up VPN Wireguard Server on AX55 V1 (Firmware 1.3.3 Build 20240628 rel.37017(4555)), but no luck at all. The client is the Android phone (Pixel 7), VPN gets connected I
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
By MyNam3IsMark123 2025-01-10 08:51:30

Could Somebody Help Me Find The Right Powerline Adapter For My Needs?

Hi. I have 2 questions about the TP-Link (2-port) (TL-PA9020) AV2000 Gigabit Passthrough Powerline Kit. Question 1) The TP-Link (2-port) (TL-PA9020) AV2000 Gigabit Passthrough Powerline Adapter. Will