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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By omarhij78 Yesterday

Rejected request under RE mode - AX53 V2 Satellite Mode on Easymesh

I have recently purchased 3 TP Link devices, AXE75 & AX53 V2 routers and an RE815XE range extender. I have setup the mesh network successfully with AXE75 as the main router and the wifi network is wor
Forums/ Range Extenders
By YFAKO Yesterday


Good day, why can't I change the channel in this repeater?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By nsera Sunday

Full Cone NAT

Hi all, Does the Archer AXE300 support Full Cone NAT through its Web GUI? I would like to know before purchasing the router. Thanks.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By MariuszScreen Yesterday

Archer AX80 vs Archer BE230

Hello All Im interested to extend my wireless network and i consider two options Archer AX80 and Archer BE230. But based on information from website : Archer BE230 • 5 GHz: 2882 Mb/s (802.11be) • 2,4
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By GaryLoL Yesterday

IPTV has been locked

Anyone know how to fix this? my LAN cable was fine, i think the port has problem and wanna change the iptv port to another LAN port. but the setting has been locked.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Dybe600 Sunday

Can not find WiFi signal

Caption Hello, i am having trouble fining the WiFi signal from my router. It is what i can see connected correctly and all the necessary icons are lit up for wireless connection. But in my device I ca