How to choose a router

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How to choose a router

This thread has been locked for further replies. You can start a new thread to share your ideas or ask questions.
32 Reply
Re:How to choose a router
2020-02-14 18:41:24

@Carl Carl.. why are you deleting threads?


Re:How to choose a router
2020-02-14 21:10:00



Threads and replies are only deleted if a response is off topic or violates our terms of service.  If a thread is posted by a user from a region outside of the US your thread is moved to the proper group.  I did move a thread of yours today to the Mexico community, because that is where our system shows you are located.  Mexico's community is  If a thread is moved there is a note that is sent to the user describing why there post has been moved and where to find them. 

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Re:How to choose a router
2020-02-14 21:27:20

@Carl Please explain how asking for support regarding the WAN options is offtopic or violates the terms?

I notice that you guys really have a very bad reputation around the web on arbitrarily deleting threads under dubious reasons and when confronted say different reasons that do not apply to the point at hand.

Re:How to choose a router
2020-02-18 22:33:16



We do not delete threads arbitrarily, though we have sole and final discretion on interpitation of our community guidelines, which you can view here: Threads are deleted if a customer violates any of the terms in the guides, post dulplcate infomation or as I stated previously is off-topic.  An example of off topic would be posting about a Range Extender in a post about a how to pick the right Smart Plug.  As the post is not related to the thread's content the offending reply would be deleted and the user encouraged to create a new thread or post on a relevant one.  This is for quality control and to keep a thread and its replies on the topic at hand.  For instance this conversation is actually off topic from the subject of the thread and should be a thread of its own.  We will allow this one to remain here so that you can review it but to stay on the subject of this thread which is how to choose a router I would request that further comments be directed to this thread  I created it specifically to address this concern.  


For your particular thread.  The thread wasn't deleted. The only thread I found in the system created by you was moved the the correct community for Mexico. If a thread is created from a region outside of the US, that thread will be moved to the correct community, as your was. We will also send a message along with the thread that should show up in your notices.  Your particular threads location is here: 

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Re:How to choose a router
2020-03-10 21:57:49

What about choosing a brand? 


Re:How to choose a router
2020-03-11 15:46:31




Choosing a brand is easy.  Choose TP-Link! smiley

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Re:How to choose a router
2020-06-29 14:02:41
Re:How to choose a router
2020-06-29 18:24:50



Router availablity in the US is different than in the UK.  The best advice for a router is the one that fits your needs.  Tell me more about your network enviroment and I'll give you a suggestion.

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Re:How to choose a router
2020-10-20 02:43:05


Your 4th bullet point above is a serious question I've been struggling with.  I may not be asking it the right way or may have the configuration improperly set for my Smart Home application, but I'm really struggling with this one.  


In an age where Smart Homes are occupying more-and-more home owner requirements, the amount of switches, plugs, cameras, laptops, mobile devices, etc can easily exceed the (apparent) 64-device maximum number (less if you are just talking wifi). 

I keep asking for solutions to this problem and all I get is crickets. 

This leads me to believe I'm missing something out there. 


Even with TPLink's Deco system, there are still limits of 150-devices.  Last time I checked, a private network like 192.168.1.x covers from to would think the standard would be supported. 


I don't buy the notion that "it'll be too much traffic for the network to handle..." . 

Come-on guys, I really don't think all these light switches absorb that much data; even when I say "Alexa, shut-off the light".  The biggest hogs I might consider would be the 8 HARDWIRED cameras throughout the house.  They are not utilizing the wireless array and this data is kept local (for the most part).


What am I doing wrong?...I'm sincerely asking....

Is there no one who has been aggressive as I have been in moving forward with this innovated feature, or am I the pioneer to a problem that was not considered in the original design. 


Please, no more crickets. :)


Re:How to choose a router
2020-10-20 23:13:34



I see only one thread created by you.  We will look into why it was missed but its not that we were doing it intentionally, it was just missed.  With the nature of a forum we cannot gaurantee that every thread will be responded to by the admins or even if it will get a timely response.


For your question yes there are maximum limitations of the hardware.  a router can only handle so many devices at one time.  This is a limitation of not only the wireless radios but the chipsets being used.  This is why you are starting to see routers with quad-core processors.  But these are typically in higher end routers.  The mid and entry level devices are still running on single and dual-core setups.  Even if its just low traffic devices like smart plugs or switches their effect is cumlivate.  This is also why there are limits on devices on a wireless band.  It can handle only so much.  The more devices that demand high end bandwidth the lower the total number of devices that a router will allow.  


A class-c private subnet is capable of a maximum 254 IPs.  Typcially though the DCHP pool is only 100 addresses.  But that is just numerical math, it does not mean a device is capable of providing quality access to 254 different devices.  There are limits and it almost always comes down to hardware. 


The hard truth of it is that no one ever intended home enviroments to had hunderds of devices.  Now as technolgy advances and homes get smarter yes the routers will evolve to support more connected devices but you may simply be ahead of the times and need to wait for the technology to catch up.


One option is to think about business class switches and APs.  Adding a busines class switch an a few APs to mitgate the load on the router could help solve your problem but for just home class products we are a little ways out from a solution.


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