Archer c5400X WAN aggregation Issues
Just picked up a C5400X router and I have an Arris SB8200 cable modem (both latest firmware, configured correctly, internet is working). I enabled link aggregation on the cable modem (rebooted) and enabled WAN aggregation in the web gui for the router (rebooted). Both cable modem ports show a green light for gig connections and it knows it's connected and I have internet on the LAN of the router as it shows in the GUI and I can access webpages. The only odd thing is, the green led on the cable modem port 1 is flashing like its sending and receiving, but port 2 shows a steady green with a flash every once in a while. The two cables are verified good (also with network tester) and even swapped them out with a different set for kicks, Port 1 of the modem is connected to the WAN port and port 2 of the modem is connected to port 1 as outlined in the manual for WAN agg.
When properly aggregated they should both be flashing at the same rate. To test to see if it was the cable modem or the router, I connected directly to my POE switch (T1600g-28PS). I can verify the cable modem is aggregating properly because both are reporting gigabit when connected directly into my T1600g-28PS switch (w/LACP enabled for ports 1/2) and both green LED's for both ports on the cable modem and the switch are flashing at the same rate together and once again, have internet to the default VLAN on various ports available.
So am I missing something in the router config?? I don't see LACP, Passive or Active in regards to WAN agg options under advance menus. I'm stumped.
My goal is to have WAN agg from my Arris SB8200 to the C5400X (my gigbit internet is over previsioned @ 1.2gbps), and then have Link Agg from ports 2/3 of the C5400X to ports 1/2 of the T1600g-28PS to do VLAN's for the rest of the network. Just odd the cable modem link agg works for the switch properly, but not the C5400X:/
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!