2mb/s on Secondary unit of Deco X5700
2mb/s on Secondary unit of Deco X5700
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: Version 1.01 Build 20200919 Real 36167
No matter what Deco X5700 unit i make Seconday it only give Speed of less than 2Mb/s.
Whichever Deco i make Primary and connect to main Cable modem give speed greater than 230 mb/s.
I tried multiple ways and resetting/ reboting seconday Unit.
After resetting to Factory default secondar unit gives speed of about 200mb/s for about 5 min. and then
goes back to 2 mbps speed.
I have 2 units of Deco X5700 with Version 1.01 Build 20200919 Real 36167 whcih is the latest version