CPE210 "Port0: 100Mbps - FD" but advertised as 300Mbps?
CPE210 "Port0: 100Mbps - FD" but advertised as 300Mbps?
What is the truth here? I buy a CPE210 and configure ot as a client on a 400Mbps AP, but the status indicates "Port0:P 100Mbps - FD"! I'm getting a SNR of 42+ and only 30-40 Mbps download. What's the truth here? Is it a 100Mbps or 300Mbps device?
My router is connected to a cable modem and running at 200+ Mbps indicating my network and systems are not the issue. I switch from cable to CPE and I go from 200Mbps+ to 40Mbps on all connected devices.
2.2.2 Build 20200612 Rel. 53582 (5553)