AX3000 slow wifi
Coming from an older Linksys AC1900 to the AX3000. I duplicated settings that could be duplicated when I switched. The wifi performance of the AX3000 is simply horrible in comparison to the Linksys. I tried practically every 5ghz channel combination I could think of including all three transmit power levels. My wifi download / upload on laptop when I had the linksys was 600+ Mbps but using the same laptop I cannot get more than 200Mbps. It will initially spike up to 500Mbps in the first couple of seconds, but then drops and continues to drop where it settles in around 200. Had issues with the TPLink CPE710s performing poorly and replaced them with Ubiquiti. They delivered to spec right out of the box. It starting to look like Tplink specs are mostly just numbers on paper. Would like to figure out why this AX3000 cannot deliver on the wifi side.