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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
8 hours ago
Re:Axe300 / AXE16000 Firmware Upgrade Issues
@AXE16000_A I'll be installing it tonight and let you know how it does. Have you had any issues?
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
@jzchen The gateway's WAN IP address is NOT supposed to change very often; it doesn't change often with any ISP's. However, go to the Passthrough screen and make sure the DHCP lease time there is set...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
@jzchen yes it is getting a WAN IP address fine. The issue is with those two DNS services. On rhe BGW320-500, if you go to Diagnostics>Resets, you can try resetting the Broadband connection and...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
@Espress0-0 No, I'm not using any switches on my network. @Carl this could be the same bug affecting multiple routers. Possible?
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
Carl wrote @Richardj186 Hello Richard, I want to say for point number 2, the scrambled SSID is the backhaul network that the Decos establish to link themselves to each other. I believe this is in the...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
Carl wrote @Richardj186 What I have available is a debug firmware. Debug firmwares are a specific type of Beta firmware that includes a debugging function that allows our engineers to better diagnose...