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Forums/ Deco
By TJFDenver 2 weeks ago

Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units

i purchased my DECO BE95 / BE33000 (2 node mesh) 3 months ago ... i work out of the home/office and am in IT. I've used it heavily over the past 3 months without any issues/drops/etc. Last night, both
Forums/ Deco
By Kyne 2024-10-20 17:51:57

5Ghz Channels on BE85: Are DFS Channels 100 and above (UNII-2C) utilized

Our 3 set Dece BE85 (wired backhaul) utilizes 160Mhz on UNII-1 / UNII-2A right now. The problem is that channel 44 (for 160Mhz, really, channels 36-64) is very crowded here, while 100 would be much be
Forums/ Deco
By DeborahHenry 2024-10-15 02:31:04

Deco mesh not allowing wifi calling from iphones

After this new mesh system was installed about a month ago, iPhones no longer connect to WiFi even though WIFI calling is selected on phones. The only way to connect for WiFI calling is to turn on Air
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By david3 2024-09-21 05:39:08

Raptor Train botnet infected firmware

News is reporting that TP-Link devices are infected with Raptor Train botnet malware. Have you identified a list of firmware/models infected, and any timeline to update the firmware?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By AggieMJ 2024-02-04 01:11:40

Homeshield suddenly blocking almost everything

We've used homeshield for over a year without issue, but all of a sudden, it is blocking nearly everything, including all of my teens' homework, textbooks, test prep, etc... the only filter applied is
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Godsdale 2024-07-16 22:22:51

Trying to figure out the Tether app and the traffic usage data reporting

How come under Traffic Usage in the Tether app I noticed My desktop data download and upload does not update?