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Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
@Richardj186 I set it to 1 Day, same as assigned to the BGW320 when it is set to router mode, (actually it's the same in IP Passthrough because the RG Ethernet ports still get assigned IP addresses)....
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
@Richardj186 One thing that has been a neusance on our BGW320-500 has been failure to Passthrough the WAN IP. I ended up assigning it manually since I have never seen it change. (AT&T has a longish...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Problem using Deco X55 with Frontier Fiber Modem
@Bart35 Did you try rebooting the ONT?
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Problem using Deco X55 with Frontier Fiber Modem
@Bart35 Frontier Fiber service usually has an ONT and an eero router. Can you confirm you actually have a "modem", or is it the ONT maybe?
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:ATT Fiber BGW320 - Has anyone truly been able to get IP Passthrough to work?
BGW320 does not have a bridge mode as far as I know. Set the DHCP lease time to 1 Day @JDThreeee . I reboot the RG by disconnecting the power, plugging it back in. About 15-20 seconds later I do the...
Forums/ Range Extenders
a week ago
Re:Wifi extender making the whole wifi system drop out
@archibaldd Whether you can get a refund/exchange depends on the retailer you purchased from and their return policy. It sounds like the RE might be set too far from the Vodafone router. The TP-Link...