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Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
By CoconutMofo 2023-11-15 04:51:11

All devices disappeared from the app

All devices just disappeared from the app i tried to click on a schedule for a bulb and then all devices were gone All it says is: No Devices yet what happened? how to restore all the devices? I tried
Forums/ Bug Report
By dlwhite66 2023-11-15 04:18:51

All my kasa devices disappeared from the Kasa app

I have lights, cameras, and plugs of different models. all have worked in my ios and android kasa apps for over 3 years. tonight all devices are gone from all apps on all my mobile devices. my home, r
Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
By jjhung88 2023-11-15 05:41:58

All my switches disappear from the app

I have two homes with kasa switches. tonight all of a sudden I opened the app and found that it says I have no devices!! I am able to use some of them with google homes, although the devices would sho
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By jjhung88 2023-09-30 14:25:50

Archer C900 cannot get time from the internet

I tried many different NTP servers but I keep getting error "Get Time From NTP Server Time Out" I have to use Get from PC right now but would like the NTP to work.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By jjhung88 2023-09-24 17:11:45

archer C900 WDS bridge not working

I have the WDS bridging turned on but it is not connecting to the router. I read the manual and there is no mention of WDS bridging. So I don't even know if bridging is supported in this model.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
By jjhung88 2022-11-15 23:22:37

Kaza app works, not Alexa echo or google home

I have a few Kaza smart switches stop working. I can use kaza app to control them, but alexa echo and google home both do not work. I already tried to unlinked and re-link account but that didn't work