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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plugs
By BobNC 2023-09-08 15:32:27

How do I see energy use for P125 on iOS app?

I can't see the energy monitoring screen. I just bought two P125 Tapo Plugs and downloaded the app on my iPad. They updated to firmware 1.0.6. They work fine as on/off devices, and tell me run time, b
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
By KathleenHS123 2023-09-05 19:53:18

Kasa Smrt WI-Fi light bulb will not finish activation

Hi I followed all directions to set up the light bulb. At the last part of activation, where I select the right icon and name the room it is in, the process keeps loading It has been loading for 1/2 h
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
By DaSarge 2023-09-02 21:14:49

Live View & Recordings not available outside of my home

For the first few months, I could access the live feed and saved recordings on my SD card from anywhere. However, for the last couple weeks, I have not been able to access the cameras when outside of
Forums/ Bug Report
By gebjeff1 2023-08-29 17:18:16

Tapo Smart Video Doorbell Wired

When I try to register for the beta test using the link https://forms.gle/Ex6faUS6dP1VMV2Q8, I reveive the following error: "Beta Tester Information Confirmation The form Beta Tester Information Confi
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
By jsinicropi 2023-08-28 17:22:24

hs200 schedule to turn off no longer works

I've been going back and forth with tp-link support on this issue now for about a month. I've had the HS200 and a LB130 on a sunrise off - sunset on schedule for about 2 years working perfectly. In th
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
By AM20 2023-08-27 02:28:56

KS200M ambient light threshold doesn't work

KS200M turns on, no matter what the ambient light threshold setting is. The smart switch is set to turn on with motion and dark. The ambient light sensor looks working fine as in the setting via app,