Person Detected Sensitvity
I appreciate the person detected feature but a lot of times I will get a false positive of a person detected when in fact there is no person present. A lot of the times this person detected is triggered from shadows or light reflects and that is really discouraging since they really don't look like people. I know there is motion detection sensitivity but I assume that does not alter person detection sensitivity at all. I don't even know how person detection sensitivity would work so I am not requesting that. I have seen that with some object detection algorithms, a box is framed around the object detected. Since I get so many false positives of persons detected, it would be nice to visually see a box displayed in the recording around what the camera thinks is a person. Having this object box could help me then adjust my environment to minimize that person falsely detected.
I request a box around the portion of the video screen where the camera thinks a person is detected.