C110 Motion Event Cooldown too long
I believe the firmware was upgraded recently and it now appears there is a 7 minute cooldown between motion events. Motion event recordings are also no longer than 2 minutes at a time. This is easily apparent when browsing recordings on the local SD card. There coudl be constant motion in front of the camera but with this configuration there could be 5 minute gaps of recordings.
I could have sworn prior to the firmware update motion events could be indefinitely long or at least longer than 2 minutes. I also feel like motion detection was much more reliable and had little to no cooldown. I could rely somewhat on motion events to trigger lights in the garage with motion.
Now I completely miss the beginning of some events. For example, I have a camera set up in a garage and I dont even have recordings of the garage door opening. I have recordings that start with the car already parked inside the garage and the occupants inside the house. Please revert the firmware or improve motion detection in a future release.
For background I also have Shinobi NVR receiving ONVIF detection events and recording the RTSP stream.