Kasa App Scene Creation Experience

Kasa App Scene Creation Experience

Kasa App Scene Creation Experience
Kasa App Scene Creation Experience
2024-07-28 12:38:13

I know this has been posted about on here before but I need to bump this so hopefully the devs do something: Trying to set a lighting scene in the new Kasa app is extremely cumbersome and I'm about to switch to Hue because of this one feature that we used to have, but was taken away.

I have over 20 devices. In the old pre 2022 version of the app, I was able to set the color of my room just the way I like it, then set a scene based off the current light configuration that I just visually created.

Now in the new app, it appears I have to program them blind, one by one - and with no visual feedback as to what’s happening while I’m doing it. This is terrible UX.


I just moved and have to reconfigure all my scenes and it's killing me that this hasn't been addressed for almost 2 years since the last app refresh. When I first started looking at smart lights I tried a bunch and CHOSE Kasa based off how the old Kasa app worked. It was so convenient for creating lighting schemes. Now pulling this feature after I’ve gone all-in? I'm in a really tough spot. Seriously considering switching lighting ecosystems.
