Smart plugs winking out individually on router client list
I purchased 4 KP100 smart plugs and installed them to operate lights at various distances from the Linksys router. Distances are from 10 feet to 50 feet; signal strengths are 50dbm or better. They have been installed for a couple of weeks and have operated intermittently. Since installing them Alexa has become less dependable. Reseting the router seems to reconnect the smart plugs for 6 hours and then they disconnect again. I have opened the router software and watched the client list. Immediately after router reset the client list is fully populated by all connected devices. After a period of time the name of one of the smart plugs will disappear from the client list but the address remains. Then a second smart plug name will go blank but again the address remains. Each remaining smart plug name disappears in turn. The result is that all smart plugs become disconnected from the network and will not reconnect without resetting the router. All other clients in the client list remain so this is just a smart plug problem. I need help fixing this smart plug problem so I do not have to reset my router every few hours.