Kasa bulbs need better color control
I love my kasa bulbs. I have one major complaint and a few small ones.
- I need to be able to control the color of the lights more accurately. Allow me to enter HEX or RGB values to set the colors. This is simply a must and I have no idea why you don't already allow it.
- Let me set preset values and save them as holidays. I have 9 lights on my house. We have patterns and colors we use for several holidays and life events throughout the year and I wish we could just click preset lights for christmas or valentines day or seth's birthday. It would be amazing if I could set them as a group and each takes it's appropriate color for that preset holiday but I'd be happy with eah light having it's own if that's the closest you could get. Having to try and find the right colors every single time is simply a pain.
- On the same note, it would be cool if I could schedule presets. "Set Christmas from Dec 1-Dec 25th" "Set Valentines for February 13th-15th" or something like that. Again this would be absolutely amazing to have done automatically according to my presets. You could even give suggested themes for holidays or suggest news related themes. We changed our lights to yellow and blue when Ukraine was first being attacked. We have changed lights based on sporting events.
- lastly, is there a way to get a brown color? lol... Sometimes I want a brown and we simply can't seem to get one. Would love your advice.