
[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support


[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support

27 Reply
Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday

I've been waiting weeks for Kasa to update their app to support iOS 18 for widget support. I was excited to see that there was an update today, to then be completed disappointed by the fact that instead of updating the app to include widget support, there was a pop-up saying iOS 18 removed legacy widget support and to stay tuned for updates. I have dozens of Kasa devices and I will now think twice before purchasing another one. Widgets changed in iOS about 4 years ago, yet Kasa wasnt bothered to update the widget style to be consisent. Instead it appears they kicked the can down the road. Then, when iOS 18 beta launched and legacy widgets were removed, Kasa failed to update saying in this thread that they were going to wait and see how it played out. Its now been more than 3 months since iOS 18 beta launched and we are now only getting an update to "stay tuned." Very disappointed with this entire process. 

Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday

 What a joke of a company are you??? 4 years to fix this, still managed to come late to the appointment. Oh boy if I regret buying these damn bulbs. Not able to have them to pair with the  Home app, unable to fix a widget you had plenty of time to deal with in order to provide your customer the experience they PAID for!!! Did you hear? WE PAID MONEY FOR YOUR PRODUCTS, you are liable and really hope the ameritards will sue the (you know what, the thing that comes out of your bass) out of TP Link. I'll enjoy throwing shi... all over the internet about this in the meantime, since I have to spend a minute every time I need to shut the ducking lights now. Hate you guys so much. Sincerely 

Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support

Just to let everyone know that our team is working to find out when support will be added. I have reached out to our development teams for more information about an update now that iOS 18 has officially launched and will provide an update as soon as I can.

Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support

  @Rbpy1 Thanks! Worked for me too.

Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support

  @Rbpy1 Thank you. Tapo app is definitely the fix and looks to have all the updates Kasa has paused on. 

the only confusing piece left is why is this not advertised in the kasa app or by the team on this thread. 

Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support


looks like IOS18 has been officially released. When can we expect Kasa widget to be working ?

Re:[Tapo App] iOS 18 Widget Support
13 hours ago - last edited 13 hours ago

  @Rbpy1 I have the updated Tapo App and ios18, I can see the widgets on the app, but there is no way to add them to the widgets on iOS 18. I already restarted the Phone and the app. Is there something I am missing?


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